
氏名(100字以内)* Name(within 100 characters)
フリガナ(100字以内) Furigana(within 100 characters)
性別* Gender
生年月日(11字以内) 記入例:1991/10/1*
Birthday(within 11 characters) e.g. 1991/10/1
国籍* Nationality

その他を選択した場合に記入してください Enter if you select 'その他(others)'
Phone Number (within 11 characters for half-width numbers without "-") e.g. 090xxxx▲▲▲▲
E-Mail Address (within 100 characters)
ログインパスワード(英数字のみ 8文字以上16文字未満)*
Password for sign up (between 8 and 16 characters contain with both half-width numbers and alphabets)
確認用パスワード* Confirm your password
住所(150字以内)* Address (within 150 characters)
Check if graduated from a four-year university (in your country or in Japan) or not
Graduated University (within 150 characters)
日本で通っている学校(学校名記入)(150字以内)* School Name (where you're going now) (within 150 characters)
専攻科目(100字以内) Major (within 100 characters)
日本で通っている学校の卒業年月(11字以内) 記入例:2019/3
Graduation Date of school you're going now (within 11 characters) e.g. 2019/3
日本語レベル* Japanese Skill

日本語能力試験 Japanese Language Proficiency Test

英語レベル* English Skill

TOEIC・TOEFL・英語検定 点数(250字以内)
TOEIC, TOEFL scores and EIKEN grade (within 250 characters)
Second Foreign Language (up to 3 items)

PCスキル(複数選択可)* PC Skills (multiple select)

希望就業形態(複数選択可)* Employment Pattern (multiple select)
アルバイト希望時間帯(150字以内)(パート・アルバイトを選択した場合に入力してください。 例:夕方以降・夜勤・13時~18時等
Working Hours that you can work (enter if you checked "part-time job". e.g. Night Shift, from the evening, from 13:00 to 18:00 etc) (within 150 characters)
希望職種(3つまで選択可)* Job Objective (up to 3 items)

希望勤務地(複数選択可)* Work Place (multiple select)

引越しの可否 Check if you can move out or not
日本でどれくらい働きたいか * Duration you want to work in Japan

プライバシーポリシー* Privacy Policy


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